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It would be impossible to suggest any single disorder is universally the most difficult to treat, as the effectiveness of treatment can vary widely depending on the individual, the severity of the disorder, and a range of other factors. However, some disorders are known to be more challenging to treat than others. Schizophrenia, for example, remains one of the more difficult psychiatric disorders to treat. Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe neurological disorder that is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). It is characterized by episodes in which the individual is unable to distinguish between real and unreal experiences.


The National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) explains that schizophrenia is “a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.” The distorted thinking patterns that present with schizophrenia can lead to disabling symptoms, as they can interfere with an individual’s ability to function in his or her daily life. The signs and symptoms of schizophrenia vary from person to person, but most commonly involve disorganized speech, visual and/ or auditory hallucinations, delusions, certain antisocial behavior patterns (e.g., involuntary movements, poor hygiene practices, catatonia, etc.), and an impaired ability to function appropriately.

Schizophrenia is estimated to affect 1.1 percent of the population, or approximately 2.8 million adults, in the United States aged 18 or older. Although its prevalence is relatively low when compared with other mental health disorders, schizophrenia is recognized as one of the most disabling diseases affecting humankind. There is no cure for schizophrenia, but long-term treatment can help an individual learn how to manage his or her symptoms and prevent the worsening of symptoms. However, treatment can be complicated as people with schizophrenia are often unaware that they have it. In any given year, an estimated 40 percent of individuals with the condition are untreated.


People with schizophrenia commonly show signs of another condition called anosognosia. Anosognosia is defined as “a neurological condition in which the patient is unaware of their neurological deficit or psychiatric condition.” This causes a person with schizophrenia to be incapable of recognizing that they present with its signs and symptoms, which leads them to believe that treatment would be unnecessary. Further, anosognosia can indirectly trigger schizophrenic delusions, which perpetuates an erroneous notion that those who appear to be helping them are instead attempting to inflict harm. Experts estimate that between 50% and 90% of people with schizophrenia also have anosognosia.

Treatment In Calabasas

Calabasas is a city in California. It is a well-known suburb of Los Angeles, located west of the San Fernando Valley and north of the Santa Monica Mountains. Over the past decade, the city of Calabasas has grown in its reputation for luxury as well as for privacy which makes it a hidden gem for residential living for society’s elite, and one of the most desirable destinations in Los Angeles County. It is also home to a plethora of highly qualified mental health clinicians providing an array of therapeutic services and treatment options.

The information above is provided for the use of informational purposes only. The above content is not to be substituted for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment, as in no way is it intended as an attempt to practice medicine, give specific medical advice, including, without limitation, advice concerning the topic of mental health. As such, please do not use any material provided above to disregard professional advice or delay seeking treatment.

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